Vetus Flamma
That love that once was nearest to my heart
And pressed against my arm and forehead too
Is gone and you went with it. We are two.
You have your legends, I have an empty heart,
And in the quieted pounding of this heart
I hear the future I awaken to.
Night falls each dawn and stays a week or two
And all there is to eat is my own heart.
I nurse a broken love, a broken word,
And cannot bring myself to say your name,
But keep the smallest remnant of your word
To ornament my door with what was lost.
Unaging ghost, you never said your name—
You only came to wrestle, and I lost.
Robert Mezey
Collected Poems: 1952-1999, University of
Arkansas Press, ©
2000. Reprinted by permission
of the author. |