Aunt Eudora's Harlequin Romance
turns the bedlamp on. The book falls open
in her
mottled hands, and while she reads
her mouth
begins to quiver, forming words
Breathless. Promises. Elope.
As she
turns the leaves, Eudora’s cheek
takes on a
bit of bloom. Her frowzy hair
and turns gold, her dim eyes clear,
the wattles
vanish from her slender neck.
Her waist,
emerging from its ring of flesh,
bends to
the side. Breasts that used to hang
pockets rise and ripen; her long legs
Her eyes close, she holds her breath—
the steamy
pages flutter by, unread,
as lover
after lover finds her bed.
Marilyn L. Taylor
1998; originally printed in Passager.
Reprinted by permission of the author.